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Saturday, May 24, 2008

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web hosting packages Products we recommend

Lunarpages is dedicated to taking your web hosting needs to the next level.
Because LunarPages has focus and is foremost on providing you with high quality
service and accountability, you can depend on Lunar Pages to always be there for

Lunarpages was founded in the summer of 2000 when Add2Net Corporation expanded
its web hosting offerings to include shared hosting. For the previous 3 years,
Add2Net had been successfully providing large scale managed and unmanaged web
hosting services. The Lunarpages brand is the culmination of years of
exceptional quality, service and experience. They proudly offer never ending
dedication to you, the customer.

Lunarpages offers more web hosting options than ever. At Lunarpages, they
provide a choice of reliable and affordable web hosting services for everyone.
Here are some of the web hosting options...

* Web Hosting - Ideal for new webmasters, bloggers & small businesses requiring

* Business Hosting - E-commerce ready with 3 terabytes of transfer!

* Windows Hosting - Ideal for sites running requiring the Windows

* VPS Hosting - (Virtual Private Server) Geared towards websites with high
traffic & resource requirements

* Dedicated Servers - For serious webmasters featuring shell access (SSH) and
massive storage

* Reseller Hosting - For your own branded web hosting company


Lunarpages offers industry leading infrastructure built with the best equipment,
including: Dell, Sun and Cisco Network Devices. The state of the art datacenter,
located in Los Angeles, California, provides the highest level of security,
safety, redundancy, reliability, scalability and technology. Lunarpages BGP4
routed gigabit fiber network is multi-homed with over 150 carriers, such as,
Mzima Networks, Level3, NTT/Verio, Global Crossing, Genuity, SBC, Microsoft/MSN,
AOL/TimeWarner, Japan Telecom, Hurricane Electric and Savvis.

Click Here to go to Lunar Pages

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The site that you are looking at now has been hosted by LunarPages since the
first day for more than 5 years! Currently, I also have another two websites
hosted by LunarPages currently. I used to have eight accounts with them! Thanks
to the multiple domain hosting feature, I can now host more websites using less

The discussion below is based on my experience with LunarPages as one of their
longest customer. You cannot get more insider information about LunarPages
elsewhere :-)

LunarPages is currently serving over 150,000 customers in over 200 countries. It
was founded in the summer of 2000 when a successful large scale hosting
provider, Add2Net Corporation, expanded its hosting offerings to include shared

They are offering two Unix shared hosting plans - Basic Hosting ($7.95) and
Business Hosting ($22.95). The $22.95 plan is a larger plan with unlimited disk
space and 15,000 GB of bandwidth. They also offer other types of hosting
including Windows hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated and semi-dedicated servers but
in this review, I'm just going to write about the $7.95 Basic Hosting Plan,
which I believe is sufficient for 99% of you.

Plan Size and Features

1,500 GB of disk space and 15,000 GB of bandwidth are a lot. Click on the small
picture to view the original wallpaper of Saguaro National Park, Arizona. The
size of the large and high quality picture is 228 KB (kilobyte). With 1,500 GB
of disk space, you can store more than 6.5 million copies of this picture! And
with 15,000 GB/month bandwidth, this picture can be viewed more than 65,700,000
times a month (That's 65.7 million)! The most suitable words to describe 1,500
GB of disk space and 15,000 GB of bandwidth are "More Than Enough!". :-)

There are many web hosts that offer large disk space and bandwidth, but keep in
mind that these web hosts might have funny restrictions such as file size limit,
daily bandwidth limit, or even binary files bandwidth limit (pictures, MP3s,
Flash ...). LunarPages does not have such restrictions with your disk space and
bandwidth usage. You can upload a single 1,500 GB file if you want and you can
finish your 15,000 GB bandwidth in 1 day. As LunarPages founder and CEO, Ron
Riddle told me, "We actually allow people to use everything and we have no
problem offering them what we are currently offering."

Customer Support

It is not the large disk space or bandwidth that make me rank LunarPages as #1
high but its superior customer support! They spend a great deal of money hiring
a lot of support staff to take care of their customers. All of them are very
friendly and knowledgeable. With their effort on customer support, you can
expect the best attention from them.

1. Email support - Simply email and you will always get a
good reply, no matter if you are a current customer or you just need to ask some
presale questions. Good replies are replies with the exact answer you need. I
suggest that you send them an email right now to see how effective they are. All
email will automatically be tracked by the same ticket system used by the
support help desk. This is my favorite method to request support, because it is
fast, convenient and effective. Email support is available twenty-four hours a
day, seven days a week.

2. Support Help Desk - You will send your inquiry through the use of an online
form. All your inquires will be tracked and recorded using their ticket system.
They even keep a history of all your issues so you can refer back to them
anytime you want. There is also a knowledgebase of frequently asked questions in
the help desk so you can find your answers without creating a support ticket.

They used to be using a third party support help desk system known as DeskPro.
But because they are so rich customer oriented, they decided to dump DeskPro and
develope their own help desk system and call it LunarDesk!

3. Toll-Free Support - Just call 1-877-LunarPAGES if you need phone support for
USA and Canada. For the United Kingdom, call 0800-072-9150 instead. If you live
outside of these countries, you cannot dial the toll free number. They provide
another support line for their international customers: 1-714-521-8150. I have
called them several times and they have no problem talking to me with my slang.

4. Lunar Forums ( LunarPages provides forums to let their
customers communicate and help each other. You can find many answers for your
questions. You will also meet many happy customers there. Remember only hosts
that are confident with their services and have many customers dare to set up an
open forum. Currently, the forum has around 35,670 registered users. And
LunarForums is also one of the oldest webmaster forums out there.

I will surely rate their customer support as 10 over 10, or 11 over 10 if I can
:-) Their customer satisfaction speaks for itself. I always stress to my
visitors who write to me that if they are web hosting newbie who need a lot of
attentions and supports, they should always pick LunarPages. This will make sure
that they are fully taken care of in their "early age".

If you have read my reviews or other web hosts, you will notice that I will
state that if you have any unresolved issues with the host, you can always
forward them to me and I will take them directly to the officers. Even though I
have direct contact with many important officers of LunarPages (even the CEO), I
never mention it in my LunarPages review. I don't need to do so because all
LunarPages clients are able to resolve the issue directly with the dedicated
support staffs without going through a third party like me.

Sometime ago, I have submitted a possible SPAM issue to them. To my surprise,
not only that they reply to my email but they have also called me and left me a
voice message! You can click on the 'Play' button below to listen to the voice
message yourself. They did look into SPAM issues seriously to make sure the mail
server is not blocked. They are constantly making sure that all their customers
emails will be sent and received properly.

Click Here to go to Lunar Pages

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

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Utilizing Affiliate Programs to Increase Revenues

Mon, 03 Jan 2005 00:00:00 EST
Entering into affiliate co marketing agreements can be a great way to boost revenues and to provide complementary services to your customer base.

There are thousands of Web design template sites on the Net. Finding the right templates can make page construction easy as cake. All you need to do is some minor customization and then you can splash your content online. However, apart from this use, where the template is being used like a clever kind of stationary, Web design templates offer mostly disadvantages.

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We were hosted on 1and1 for over 2 years. I must say, the first 1.5 year was OK.
No major issue although some downtime from now and then. But the last 6 months
have been a real nightmare. Multiple outages, complete server failures needing
full mailbox restores (4 times), lost e-mails (corrupted new e-mails that could
not be recovered), you name it. We are switching providers ASAP. Two of my users
are currently receiving mail thru a POP server because their Exchange account is
still down (over 2 weeks now). I cannot recommend this hosting provider to
anyone. They have the best rates, but the worst uptime and support so its not
worth it.

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