Sunday, June 01, 2008

Compare web design software

web design software resources

After contacting them we were told to buy ourselves a reseller hosting

but we didn’t want to do that as their prices were almost 3 times more

that they were with EartHoster. We already had lost 2 annual payments

as you can understand from above, for both accounts that disappeared

on us. So we wrote back and asked for refund as this was not what we

were looking for. They also had money back guarantee, or so we thought.

Bluehost simplescripts

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 19:05:48 +0000
Bluehost hosting is announcing a new hosting feature. Bluehost hosting had added ’simplescripts’ into their cpanel control panel. Its a quick installer for easy scripts installation. And its claim to have wider scripts options and more quicker script updates, than fantastico. Lets check out the email from bluehost support.
“SimpleScripts is an automated script installer just ...]

Oliver Mauss, CEO at 1 and 1 Internet Inc. and partner of Open-Xchange and Parallels added, ”This partnership enriches hosters’ business options dramatically — and changes the way small and midsized companies use software. Parallel’s management tools for Open-Xchange allow us and our resellers to deliver virtually any automated service in real-time. Additionally, this solution provides customers with the ability to independently configure and manage these automated services 24×7.”

Server resources also come into play when it comes to blog hosting. Just in case your article gets dugg on or hyped up on any of the other big social news and link sharing sites, can your web site take the punch in traffic? This is something you should discuss one on one with your web host - but it most cases (unless the host isn’t that established) you should be OK in this department too. If using WordPress there are also addons that will make sudden growths in popularity more bearable, such as the WP-Cache addon.

Houston, Texas - (The Hosting News) - May 29, 2008 - Dedicated hosting company, The Planet’s Vice President of Facilities, Jeff Lowenberg, has been awarded with the first-ever ”Data Center Manager of the Year” award from

Highly Effective SEO Tips and Myths

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:00:00 +0000
Search engine optimization is a black art, and it takes a lot of time and trouble to de-bunk all the false advice out there.
Some people do it because they heard a friend to tell a friend that advice. Others do it to sell ten page eBooks on the topic that cost the end user ...]

We had put all our efforts to produce some respectable reading matter on web design software. We sure do wish it's respectable enough for you.

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